Svava Bjørg Mørk hevur vart sína ph.d ritgerð við Háskúla Íslands

Á stórskíggja frá Háskúla Íslands fríggjadagin vardi Svava Bjørg Mørk sína ph.d ritgerð við heitinum “Partnership in the Third Space: Creating a new learning arena in Icelandic preschool teacher education”.

Í dómsnevndini vóru:

Dr. Frances Rust professari á University of Pennsylvania í Bandaríkjunum.
Dr. Liv Torunn Grindheim professari á Western Norway University of Applied Sciences í Noregi.

Svava, ið er dóttir Petur Hans Hentze, sála, og Pálinu Valsdóttir, er uppvaksin í Vági og gekk í fólkaskúla í Vágs skúla.

Í fleiri ár hevur Svava búð í Íslandi og starvast í dag sum lektari í námsfrøðivísindum við Háskúlan á Akureyri.

Svava hevur sterkt tilknýtið til Vág og vitjar Vágsbygd javnan. Síðst hon var í Vági, vitjaði hon barnagarðin Eikilund, og letur hon sera væl at stovni og fyrikomandi starvsfólkunum har.

Í stuttum um ritgerðina

The doctoral project deals with collaboration between universities and preschool teacher education in Iceland. The project focuses on exploring the concept of the “Third space” as a shared learning platform for those involved in the education of preschool teachers in Iceland. The purpose was to explore the relationship between theory and practice and how the third space can be used to link theory and practice. The research question is: “How can ‘the Third Space’ become a meaningful learning arena in preschool teacher education?” As a result, the emphasis was on essential aspects of the development of this third space. That is cooperation in the education of preschool teachers, the training of preschool teachers in field studies, and the communication and division of tasks between stakeholders.

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